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Serendipity & Eureka : The essence of my life: 山水蒙

by 전설s 2024. 6. 30.

[Something terrific,intuitive,new,fresh,awesome,delightful,insightful,clear,accurate& ]


My favorite two words

山水蒙. Hexagram 4.
The harmonious interply of stillness and movement, strength and softness, and  inner and outer realms. representation of a state of receptibility, openness to learning, and ability to adapt to new situations while mataining inner stability. Nothing afraid but not extremely smart. 

Innocence and purity.
Receptivity and openness.
Immense potential for personal growth and spiritual development.
Recognition of humility and limitation

where I will be


Present: today/right now/at the moment/a gift/provide/attendence/appearance


Total RECALL wiil include all episodes of my life.

